Mutio 特長

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Quiet, Comfortable,

Clear Sound

Mutio is designed by musicians for musicians. It has surprisingly realistic response, therefor sound quality is not diminished. As Mutio does not stiffen acoustic resonance, intonation in all range is very natural.

Colorful & Light Weight

Made with Biodegradable PLA material, Mutio is feather-light and 100% customizable in such a wide range of color and pattern variation, and so affordable that you can match your Mutio to your mood.

Mouthpiece Attachment

for Buzzing

You can practice "Buzzing" with this new Mouthpiece Attachment. (Design registered)


This attachment gives you comfortable air resistance, and the feeling is like playing a real instrument.


Of course it works well with Mutio. This combination is the best solution for buzzing practice.

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Videos from Professionals

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without / with "Mutio"


MORITA Co., Ltd. / Morita Wind Instrument Repair Service

Samatsu Bld. 1F, Ichiban-cho 1-8-34, Aobaku, Sendai, Miyagi

980-0811 Japan

